Casting a Wide Net

The new coronavirus, SARS-CoV-2, that is causing the COVID-19 pandemic has been creating new challenges throughout the industry. One of those challenges is communicating clearly with your employees and training them to avoid getting sick.

We developed 5 brand new COVID-19 Weekly Safety Meetings to help you meet that challenge. These 5 Meetings contain important information for your employees, and we're giving them to you for FREE as part of your regular subscription. 

As the country re-opens and more people return to work, employees will have questions and concerns about coronavirus and COVID-19. These 5 Meetings will help you address some of those questions and concerns, so your employees are safer, more comfortable, more confident, and more productive.

We also developed "Casting a Wide Net" to help owners, managers, and supervisors think through the wide array of challenges of re-opening jobsites, offices, and businesses. It's a list—a long list—of questions that is intended to help you develop your processes and your systems for re-opening your corner of the country. We specifically don't provide answers to these questions because the best answers will be different in different places and for different businesses. You can download  "Casting a Wide Net" as a Word document or as a PDF to edit and adapt to your situation.

The list of questions in "Casting a Wide Net" is not all-inclusive. If you have questions that you think should be on the list, please send them to us. We'll update "Castings a Wide Net" from time to time as we get new ideas and suggestions.

We hope that these bonus Weekly Safety Meetings help you establish effective safety and communication protocols that help you Save Lives, Time, and Money.

Tom Powers

Tom Powers

Health Covid